Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)


When will I receive my Purple Bird order?

Once we receive your order, our team takes 24-48 hours to work their magic and pack your order to perfection. We partner with multiple delivery service partners across India, and ship via standard shipping which may take 3-8 business days for our products to arrive (you may track the shipment status via the tracking ID provided by our delivery service providers). If you face challenges, delays or require expedited shipping (additional charges may apply), you may reach out to our customer care between 9AM-5PM, Mon- Fri via Whatsapp or email ( 

Our warehouse ships Monday - Friday, 10AM-5PM IST and is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Our warehouse in Gurgaon, India does not ship on mandatory holidays such as Republic Day (Jan 26), Independence Day (Aug 15) and Gandhi Jayanti (Oct 2), along with other optional holidays.

How will the gift curation arrive?

We ship all our ‘ready to ship’ curations in our classic ‘Royal Indian Jungle’ gift box. The items in the curation are nestled in purposeful cavities amidst generous amounts of shredded paper, to ensure the items do not move or break. The curations are hand wrapped with love in a butter paper, held together with a gold sticker. Your chosen note card design along with a handwritten message will rest on top of the curation, before we secure the top of the box. The gift boxes are tied with a luxury satin gold ribbon with a glorious bow to add final touches to elevate the gifting experience. The gift box is bubble wrapped and safely packed into a brown corrugated shipping box protected with paper stuffing.

Do I have to pay extra for shipping?

No. Our prices include standard shipping across India.

How big are the gift boxes?

Our Purple Bird ‘Royal Indian Jungle’ (midnight purple and gold foiled) gift boxes come in two sizes:
Medium: 25 x 18 x 10 cms
Large: 34 x 24 x 11 cms
Refer to the product description to learn more about the size of your gift box depending on the curation you have selected.

Does Purple Bird accept returns?

No. Given the nature of our curations, all gift box sales are considered final. A product, once purchased via our website is no longer eligible for returns, exchanges or cancellations. For more information please read:


Do you have any curations for men?

We believe in building curations for souls, and souls have no gender. Therefore, our curations are built keeping our customers in mind, and we allow them to keep their preferences, private to themselves. That said, some products might be more popular with a specific gender. At Purple Bird, we believe in allowing our customers to be their authentic selves – whoever and whatever that may entail.

How do I place a bulk order?

You may order up to 50 gift boxes via our website (on your mobile or desktop). For orders above 50 units, you can contact our front desk by emailing us at with the following information:

  1. Name and Contact Information
  2. Order Size and Occasion
  3. Curation of Choice/Custom Curation
  4. Budget Per Gift Box
  5. Anything else that'll help our experts understand your needs better

Can I customize a box with a curation of my choice?

No. Currently, our gift boxes are customisable for bulk orders of 50 units or greater only. If you would like to customize a single unit order in the future, share this feedback with

Does the gift box come with a notecard?

Yes. Each curation comes with a hand written note card (choose from four note card designs). Simply include to, from and your gift message and we'll handle the rest. 


What type of payment options can I use to place an order?

Purple Bird leverages RazorPay as our payment gateway, enabling all payment options including debit/credit card, UPI, bank transfer and more.